Choose your tariff plan
Tariff plan BASIC includes:
3 users
Unlimited number of documents per topic
Exports to Word and Excel
Alerts to mail and Telegram
Creation and identification of information trends
Graphs and images
Automatic detection of sentiment, focus, predictive coverage
Automatic classification of messages (auto tags) - 25
Tariff plan PROFESSIONAL includes:
Everything, included in "BASIC" plan
+ Automatic classification of messages (auto tags) - 100
+ Interactive dashboard with standard metrics
Tariff plan INDUSTRY includes:
Everything, included in "PROFESSIONAL" plan
+ Interactive industry dashboard for all companies
Prefer unlimited access and individual approach?
Choose tariff plan "CORPORATIVE"
Tariff plan CORPORATIVE includes:
Unlimited number of users
Unlimited topics
Unlimited number of documents per topic
Exports to Word and Excel
Alerts to mail and Telegram
Creation and identification of information trends
Graphs and images
Automatic detection of sentiment, focus, predictive coverage
Automatic message classification (auto tags) - 1000
Interactive dashboard with personal metrics, with the ability to add your own data
Hierarchical structure for holdings and agencies