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Olena Shabunina

Do you ignore media monitoring? Here are the hidden losses you may not notice:

In the age of information overload, brands are constantly fighting for attention. Standing out in a crowded market requires a strategic approach, and media monitoring is an important ingredient in the recipe for marketing success. However, many companies ignore this important aspect, which leads to an unnoticeable loss of resources and missed growth opportunities.

Flying blind: The dangers of untracked media

Imagine driving a car while blindfolded. This is essentially what neglecting media monitoring does to your marketing efforts. Without data on reach, audience response, and public perception of your brand, you're left to guess at the effectiveness of your campaigns. This can lead to a cascade of costly mistakes:

Wasted budget: Are your expensive TV commercials reaching the right demographic? Does this PR campaign generate targeted clicks, or does it just disappear into the background noise?

Missed opportunities for growth: Are major industry media outlets writing about you? Media monitoring will help you identify these mentions and use them to strengthen your brand on social media or increase your targeted reach.

Undetected reputation crises: Negative press mentions or heated discussions on social media can cause serious damage to your reputation. These issues can grow unnoticed if left unchecked until it's too late to contain their effects.

So, how can media monitoring make a difference? Here's where the magic happens:

Data-driven optimization: Tracking metrics such as reach and engagement allows you to analyze the results of your current campaign and make adjustments to future campaigns, improving engagement rates in the future.

Maximize your ROI: Every marketing and PR dollar deserves measurable results. Media monitoring allows you to identify the media channels that bring the highest return on investment so you can strategically allocate resources.

Proactive reputation management: Tracking social media trends and brand mentions lets you quickly identify and respond to potential crises or find newsworthy opportunities to improve your reputation.

Demonstrating value: PR teams often need to justify their budgets. Media monitoring metrics provide concrete evidence of campaigns' impact on public opinion, allowing them to demonstrate the value they provide to their stakeholders.

The good news is that you don't need a team of analysts to get started.

Plenty of media tracking tools exist, ranging from free to comprehensive paid solutions. The key is to identify the metrics that best suit your business goals. Here are some of the main ones that we recommend at Semantrum:

  1. Dynamics of publications by number - how much the number of mentions of your brand grows over time

  2. Post dynamics by reach - how much the audience reading about your brand is growing

  3. Mentions and audience indicators, including the tone and subject matter of the source, will allow you to detect and assess the damage from an enemy information attack in time.

  4. Share of voice among competitors - shows how visible you are among all players in your industry.

  5. Media visibility index - how visible publications about your brand are in the general media space

  6. Media loyalty index - the ratio of positive and negative mentions of your brand in the media

  7. Analysis of the sources and audience of positive and negative mentions will show how much more people have learned about you - positively or negatively, and whether in relevant sources.

  8. Distribution of mentions by region by tone - shows how audience loyalty is distributed across regions

  9. The number of featured posts, number of mentions, and audience size show how many people you've told about your brand through publications.

  10. Compare the number of mentions and audience reach (awareness, loyalty, etc.) in your market and your position relative to competitors.

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